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Keyword Co-occurrence Network

Keyword Co-occurrence Network: The keywords can be clustered into several pairs. Each pairs of keywords indicate the high-tight relationships and they always belong to the same topic. In this network, each edge represents two keywords have occurred together in the same technical paper.

Keyword co-occurrence Network


Similar keywords are together appear in the papers which represent the same topic or high-tight relationships among them.

software verification, language types, formal methods, software design techniques, object oriented languages, requirements analysis, software development methods, software testing and debugging, reliability, software reliability, software development process management, software maintenance, human factors.

software design techniques, language types, formal methods, software design techniques, object oriented languages, requirements analysis, software development methods, software verification, software testing and debugging, software development process management, human factors, software creation and management, software architectures, development frameworks and environments, program verification, software libraries and repositories, language features, software development techniques.

software architectures, language types, software design techniques, software verification, software development process management, domain specific languages, client-server architectures, patterns.

dynamic analysis, software testing and debugging, traceability.

web applications, web services.

object oriented development, object oriented frameworks.