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Co-authorship Network

Co-authorship Network: We find the authors' social circles by clustering collaboration. Usually, the most productive authors locate in the center of communities with more collaborators and they almost have the similar educational backgroud or work experiences. We present three largest communities of the co-authorship networks and give some brief introductions to several central researchers.

Co-authorship Network


This is the biggest co-authorship network with most famous researchers and we introduce the following researchers.

Gregg Rothermel is a professor of Computer Science at University of Nebraska - Lincoln with most co-authors in our dataset. He is interested in sofeware engineering.

Sven Apel is a professor of Computer Science at University of Passau. He is interested in programming methods, software engineering, emprical methods, and formal methods.

Lu Zhang is a professor of the Institute of Software, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science at Peking University. His current research interests include software maintenance and evolution, software analysis and testing, program comprehension, software reuse and component-based software development.

Zhendong Su is a professor and Chancellor's Fellow of Department of Computer Science at University of California. His research interests span programming languages, software engineering, and computer security, as well as developing methodologies, techniques and tools for improving software reliability, security and programming productivity.

Xiaoying Wang was a Ph.D. candiadate at Peking University in 2012. Then, he has worked as a postdoc at UC Berkeley. His research mainly focuses on enhancing the quality and productivity of software evolution. To achieval this goal, He has been working on code analysis and mining, natrual language based software engineering techniques, and the security analysis of android applications.

Tao Xie is an associate professor in Willett Faculty Scholar Department of Computer Science at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is interested in software testing, debugging, and analysis, software analytics (text analytics for SE/code mining/trace mining), software security, software engineering for mobile/internet computing, and educational software engineering.

Denys Poshyvanyk is an associate professor of the Computer Science Department at William and Mary where he leads SEMERU research group. His current researches are in the area of software engineering, evolution and maintenance, program comprehension, reverse engineering, software privacy, repository mining, traceability, performance testing, mobile app (Android) development and testing, energy consumption, and reuse.

Caitlin Sadowski's mission is to make program analysis usable at Google. Her research areas are software engineering, software systems human-computer interaction and visualization.

Darko Marinov is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His main research interests are software engineering, software quality, functional testing for sequential, parallel, distributed software, regression testing, and performance testing.

Danny Dig is an associate professor of computer science in the School of EECS at Oregon State University, as well as an adjunct professor at University of Illinois. He enjoys doing researches in software engineering, with a focus on interactive program transformations so that to improve programmer productivity and software quality.

Abhik Roychoudhury is a professor of Computer Science at School of Computing, National University of Singapore. His research areas are software testing and analysis, software security, and trust-worthy software construction.

Christian Kastner is an assistant professor in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He is interested in controlling the complexity caused by variability in software systems. Also, he develops mechanisms, languages, and tools to implement variability in a disciplined way.

Sebastian G. Elbaum is a professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of Nebraska. His researches aim to improve system dependability through testing, monitoring, and analysis.

Adam A. Porter is a dept. of Computer Science at University of Maryland and University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computing Studies (UMIACS).

Mark Harman is a professor of Software Engineering of Software Systems Engineering Group, Department of Computer Science at University College London.


This is the secound co-authorship network and we introduce the following researchers.

Premkumar T. Devanbu is on the Faculty of the Computer Science Department at the University of California at Davis. He works in the area of software engineering and social analytics.

Lionel C. Briand is a professor at University of Luxembourg. He is interested in testing, verification, and validation of software systems, model driven development and engineering, reequirements engineering, software quality assurance, applications of machine learning and evolutionary computing to software engineering.

Miryung Kim is an associate professor at University of California, Los Angeles. Her research focuses on software engineering. Her research group (Software Evolution and Analysis Laboratory) develops program analysis algorithms and development tools to make it easier to develop and evolve large scale software systems.

Victor R. Basili is a chair of Scientific Advisory Board, Software Validation and Verification Laboratory at University of Luxembourg.

Christian Bird is a researcher at Microsoft Research, working on empirical software engineering as part of the research in Software Engineering RiSE group.


This is the third co-authorship network and we introduce the following researchers.

Michael D. Ernst is a professor of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Washington. His chief research interest is programmer productivity, including software engineering, programming languages, security, testing, and related issues.

Frank Tip joins the College of Computer and Information Science at Northeastern University as a professor. His research interests include program analysis, refactoring, test generation, fault localization, automated program repair, data-centric synchronization, and analysis of web applications.

William G. Griswold is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of California, San Diego. He is fascinated by the challenges of constructing large and complex software systems. He is especially interested in the evolution of large software systems.