The Second Chinese Search Based Software Engineering Workshop (CSBSE 2013) will be held in Dalian, the website is here:
Dr. He Jiang, Dr. Yan Hu, Jifeng Xuan, Zhilei Ren, Jingyuan Cai, and Jingxuan Zhang attended the First Chinese Search Based Software Engineering Workshop (CSBSE 2012) on July 2, 2012. This workshop is hosted by Beijing University of Chemical Technology. Jifeng Xuan gave an talk about solving the next release problem; Dr. He Jiang presented in the panel of the future of search based software engineering.
The 25th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2012) is co-organized by our lab. IEA/AIE is an important international conference on applied intelligent systems, which has been held in Dalian, China this year. Dr. He Jiang serves as a Program Chair of IEA/AIE 2012.