* For DeepSum 1. install jdk-6u45-windows-i586.exe. 2. create a new java project. 3. add deepsum.jar and all the jar packages in libs.zip to the project. 4. copy the following code to run DeepSum. public static void main(String[] args) { String root = ...; // path of "data" directory, such as X:/xxx/xxx/data String type = "0"; // 0:SDS dataset, 1:ADS dataset DeepSum.main(new String[] {root, type}); } 5. The codes create a directory "deepsum" in the path X:/xxx/xxx/data/SDS/ or X:/xxx/xxx/data/ADS/. The file "output.txt" shows the results of precision, recall, f-score, pyramid. The direcotry "rouge" contains the selected sentences, which can be used for Rouge-1.5.5. * For other algorithms 1. install jdk-6u45-windows-i586.exe. 2. install MCRInstaller.exe. 3. create a new java project. 4. add all the jar packages in jar.rar and reproduce.jar 5. copy the following code to run comparative algorithms. public static void main(String[] args) { String root = ...; // path of "data" directory, such as X:/xxx/xxx/data String type = "0"; // 0:SDS dataset, 1:ADS dataset String alg = "0"; // 0:Centroid, 1:MMR, 2:Grasshopper, 3:DivRank, 4:Hurried DeepSum.main(new String[] {root, type, alg}); } 6. The codes create a directory "centorid / mmr / grasshopper / divrank / hurried" in the path X:/xxx/xxx/data/SDS/ or X:/xxx/xxx/data/ADS/. The file output.txt shows the results of precision, recall, f-score, pyramid. The direcotry "rouge" contains the selected sentences, which can be used for Rouge-1.5.5.