Conferences and Journals on Software Requirements Engineering
In this page, I list some information of top conferences and journal (including magzines) on software requirements engineering. Some of them are the leading publications or forums in the area of software requirements engineering. I will supplement the missed information some days later.


Abbr Name Orgnizer Homepage
RE IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (formerly known as ICRE in even years before 2002) IEEE  
RefsQ International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality  
ICSE ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering ACM/IEEE  
ESEC-FSE European Software Engineering Conference / ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering ACM SIGSOFT  
ICSM IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance IEEE  
CAiSE Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering  
APSEC Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference  


Name SCI IF Type Publisher Homepage
Requirements Engineering Journal   Journal Springer  
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering   Journal    
Software: Practice and Experience   Journal    
Software Quality Journal   Journal    
Information and Software Technology   Journal    
Empirical Software Engineering: An International Journal   Journal    
Software and Systems Modeling   Journal Springer  
Information Systems   Journal Elsevier  
IEEE Software   Magzine IEEE